Let us transform

how you make decisions.

Your life goals depend on it...literally

You might not want to admit it, but the quality of your life today, is a result of the quality of your past decisions. Whether it's in your career, business, education, or your relationship, the decisions you make today will either move you forward or hold you back in life.

That's the power of your decisions!

The good news? It's never too late to improve this life-skill, and it all starts with knowing your current Decision-Making Style.

Take our free Decision Test today to discover your unique decision style and learn how to make it work for you!

Your life goals are the destination.

Your decision-making is the vehicle.

Your life goals are the destination.

Your decision-making is the vehicle.

“My dream is to visit New York.I’ll just walk from London. Easy!”.

It sounds ridiculous, but this is what faulty decision-making can be like – and this is what separates those who don’t achieve their goals in life from those that do. By leveraging my years of studying human behaviour (plus years of brilliant and awful personal decisions!),

I have created a simple no-BS programme

with easy-to-use strategies for outstanding decision-making.

P.S. Getting to New York from London is apparently quickest by air. You’re welcome!

It sounds ridiculous, but this is what faulty decision-making can be like – and this is what separates those who don’t achieve their goals in life from those that do. By leveraging on my years of studying human behaviour (plus years of brilliant and awful personal decisions!), I have created a simple no-BS programme with easy-to-use strategies for outstanding decision-making.

P.S. Getting to New York from London is apparently quickest by air.

You’re welcome!

Okay let’s get serious for a minute.

After all, decision-making is a serious thing.

This is the part we tell you how wonderful we are and show-off our track record a little.

Hope you don’t mind!


Individuals coached

& mentored


Corporations &

Entrepreneurs Advised


Total value of business and investment decisions clients

have been helped with to date


Individuals coached

& mentored


Corporations &

Entrepreneurs Advised


Total value of business and investment decisions clients have been helped with to date

Our results over the years speak for us

We can’t pretend not

to be excited by our clients’ transformation stories!

We can’t pretend not

to be excited by our clients’ transformation stories!

When fear and stress

are taken out of decision-making,

magic happens!

When fear and stress

are taken out of decision-making,

magic happens!

This course has been crafted to:

  • Help you navigate the deep-rooted factors influencing your decision-making.

  • Rewire your mind and radically change the way you see and approach decisions

  • Teach you how to give yourself clarity and confidence in all decisions.


Idowu Hussain

“From my one-on one-session with Tosin I can attest to his experience in career counselling and what sets him apart is his genuine respect for everyone irrespective of background.


Odinachi Nwoga

This course has really opened my mind on how to improve myself. I enjoyed the practical aspects and the simulations helped me to understand the course more. No doubt, Tosin knows his onions and his delivery was flawless


Ademola Arigbabuwo

I want to say a very big thank you for an insightful session. It feels like I am on a new level of greatness and I am very grateful to you for breathing fresh life into me. May the Almighty God bless and give you strength to impact on more lives

How much do you

want to smash your goals?

Take our instant quiz to discover if you are

ready for coaching

We believe you’re ready

for the decision-making skills that'll transform your life

“For the best return on your money, pour your purse into your head.

Benjamin Franklin

We believe you’re ready

for the decision-making skills that'll transform your life

“For the best return on your money, pour your purse into your head.

Benjamin Franklin

Meet Tosin Oyelese

For almost two decades, Tosin has had the honour of coaching and advising clients who have trusted his counsel on critical business and life decisions. From C-suite executives and start-up entrepreneurs, to college students and professionals, he has been privileged to work with some truly amazing people, some of whom have become friends over the years. Tosin is a seasoned management consultant and transformation catalyst who is well-known for his open and down-to-earth coaching approach. He has developed various proprietary tools over the years to help clients simplify complex issues, gain clarity, and make great decisions in their professional and personal lives. His deep passion for seeing people succeed led to the creation of MindSpark - a coaching platform committed to transforming how clients perceive and respond to challenges on their path to success.

Meet Tosin Oyelese

For almost two decades, Tosin has had the honour of coaching and advising clients who have trusted his counsel on critical business and life decisions. From C-suite executives and start-up entrepreneurs, to college students and professionals, he has been blessed to work with some truly amazing people, some of whom have become friends over the years. Tosin is a seasoned management consultant and transformation catalyst who is well-known for his open and down-to-earth coaching approach. He has developed various proprietary tools over the years to help clients simplify complex issues, gain clarity, and make great decisions in their professional and personal lives. His deep passion for seeing people succeed led to the creation of MindSpark, a coaching platform dedicated to transforming the way clients perceive and respond to challenges on their path to personal success.

From the Founder

“On a scale of 0 to 10, how important are your life goals to you?”

From the Founder

“On a scale of 0 to 10, how

important are your life goals to you?”

In all my years of consulting and coaching, I’ve never seen anyone self-score below 5.

Needless to say, most people believe their goals and visions are super important to them. But how many people are willing to put in the work by investing time, effort, and money into making their visions a reality? I believe (and this is a very personal belief), that anyone can be successful and achieve their goals - but not everyone has the insights to make great decisions that lead to success in life.

This is where I come in!

Having coached hundreds of clients over the years, I have had the privilege of developing resources that can literally empower anyone to make decisions with confidence and conviction. Receiving feedback from clients on how these tools have changed their lives is life-affirming and exciting for me and the MindSpark team, to say the least. Impacting lives in real and practical ways is one thing we can never get bored of!

Excited Yet?

If all this sounds good to you, I would love for you to hop on one of our free coaching resources or maybe even book a free consultation. Who knows, it could be the start of something!

Copyright @ MindSpark Solutions Limited 2023.

All Rights Reserved.